First I do a cleanse with my Eve Lom Cleansing Balm. I take a pea sized amount and rub in between my wingers to create a smooth oil and rub onto my skin. Especially focussing on any eye make up I may have on. I then take a flannel and rinse it under the warm tap and wash off the oil. I then repeat the process as a double cleanse to ensure I get all the days grime away.My skin always feels clean and nourished afterwards.
This wasn't my first choice for a cleansing balm, but at the time of purchase there wasn't a lot else on the market. I really want to try the Emma Hardie Moringa Cleansing Balm, and also more budget friendly ones such as the camomile range from The Body Shop, and the Clinique Take The Day Off cleansing balm. Once my Eve Lom one has run out, I will most certainly try one of these out!
I then use my Benefit Moisture Prep Toner to get rid of any oil residue.
Before I apply anything else I'll put some Kiehls Creamy Eye Treatment eye cream under and around my eyes. I've noticed that my under eye area looks dry sometimes and this really helps. So when I wake up in the morning I look all bright eyed and busy tailed (ish.)
I then use a slightly thicker serum. Right now I'm using Soap and Glory Make Yourself Youthful Serum. This is really nice and feels moisturising on the skin. I've heard it uses very good ingredients too.
Then if my skin looks a bit dull and needs a bit of love I'll either put an overnight moisture mask on, or use Ole Henrikson Overnight Treatment including AHA's. This helps brighten my skin up and also makes it feel incredibly smooth in the morning.
Other times I'll just use an overnight moisturiser. Nothing special or a drop of oil to keep my skin hydrated throughout the night.
Then just before I pop my eye mask (from firefox) on for bed I'll put some Nuxe Reve de Miel lip balm. This is a mask type lip balm...really thick and nourishing: perfect for bedtime!
Hope this has been useful for anyone with drier skin types. Do you have a evening skincare regime? If so what products do you like to use?
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